Living in Harmony

Examining the normalization of drug use in music and how we can learn to be better music listeners.

Want to book Living in Harmony? Reach out to us!

“Media literacy is when you are able to actually understand any type of media. My final takeaway is that there are a lot of hidden messages in songs that can affect us and our everyday lives.”- Participant

Recommended Grades: 9th-12th

For generations, the popular music has been criticized for explicit content and the potential negative influence it can have on the behaviors of young people. Naturally, this usually sparks a debate on artistic censorship and whether artists have a responsibility to be a positive influence- but this isn’t the question that Living in Harmony hopes to answer. Instead it asks the question, how can we improve as music listeners?

In this interactive workshop, participants will:

  • work in teams to analyze the ATOD related content of current popular songs

  • learn strategies for increasing media literacy

  • compete in a gameshow testing their memory of ATOD lyrics in popular songs from the last decade… and how Kidz Bop rewrote them


Case Closed (Marijuana)


I Just Want To Be (Social Justice)